ce billet existe aussi en français

Well, it seems I have been too impatient to show you my last experiment, Music Toys, the installers did not work... So, let's try again, here is a new beta (0.9beta5) that should work this time .)

As a reminder, Music Toys is a collection of small apps music oriented, based on the integration of FluidSynth in Firefox, a synthesizer using soundfonts.
Current apps:

  • a realtime Keyboard, with the mouse or the physical keyboard
  • a Drum Machine
  • a Midi File Player

New since the first publication, the Keyboard has a mini sequencer, you can record when you play, then read it, or export it as Midi File.. It was a request from a reader of linuxfr ;).
The Drum Machine can export patterns as Midi Files also.

Here's the same screencast as in the first post:

direct links to the video:
musictoys.mp4 | musictoys.webm | musictoys.ogv

You can download the app from his dedicated page (deb/rpm/tar.gz for Linux, installers for Windows and Mac OSX (with the FluidSynth lib embedded and a default soundfont).
It's again a beta version, don't hesitate to report me all bug/opinion !